
Representation and defence

  • Commercial interests, Economic and technical partners and the Group of professionals who develop their activity in the field of preventive and curative protection of wood.
  • Promote and encourage the prestige, harmony and collaboration between partners
  • Promote partnerships and inter-company activities with public or private entities, both national and international, they are of common interest to our partners.
  • To promote and coordinate research programs in the field of the protection of the wood, as well as, cooperation and exchange of experiences in Spain and abroad
  • Perform marketing and advertising dissemination material
  • Development and publication of newsletters and articles in specialized magazines
  • Elaboration of studies and sectoral reports
  • Participation in national and international fairs
  • Promote the use of quality labels
  • Collaborate with the various standards committees of wood protection standards
  • Organization of specialized training programs
  • Seminars, technical conferences, conferences, Congress, symposiums and other cultural activities that allow a technology diffusion.

Working groups and sub-committees

With the aim of generate new initiatives, boost the activity of the wood treatment and cover the needs of the Association, ultimately our partners, Since ANEPROMA has been created a set of working groups that deal with different issues that are of great interest, not only for our companies associated sinus, in general for the industrial sector of wood and even, other related sub-sectors.


The Secretariat is an individualized follow-up of the Groups and subcommittees 6 (CTN 56: Wooden structures) and 4 (CTN 56: Wood protection) in which ANEPROMA is involved, as well as, of the members to get to know the degree of involvement. Then, described briefly today initiated working groups:


  1. Working Group 1: Biocidal products
  2. Working Group 2: Standardization and technical building code
  3. Working Group 3: National market
  4. Working Group 4: Training
  5. Working Group 5: International
  6. Working Group 6: R & d


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