The technical conference "The Recovery and Conservation of Grazing, hunting activities and its infrastructure in Sierra Madrona" developed in the municipality of Fuencaliente was closed by the D. Javier Gomez-Elvira, maximum responsible for forests and natural spaces in the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha.

For Gómez-Elvira this initiative promoted by ANEPROMA It is a clear example of the commitment to the development of La Mancha traditions and the use of resources in the region, that allow the generation of social benefits, environmental and economic, since livestock and hunting activities are very important for the regional government.

On this second and final day that ANEPROMA has organised within the framework of the PROGRAM EMPLEAVERDE (2007-2013), of the BIODIVERSITY FOUNDATION attached to the MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND ENVIRONMENT and co-financed by the EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND, has served to Promote the use of wood in the rehabilitation of livestock and hunting infrastructures existing as hunting enclosures, The turrets, The existing sheepfolds, etc.

The region of Sierra Madrona is a territory very rich in forest resources as argued by its Excmo. Mayor D. Valentin Muñoz, and in which wood has played a very important role for generations, reason why it supposes a line ofDesarrollo Jornada SP2 Priority action for the municipality to resume forestry activities to value the natural heritage of the municipality. For Mr.. Mayor, the fact of starting such an attractive project for the residents of Fuencaliente will be the engine of continuing the actions for the development of a new forestry industry in the area, to obtain wood for use in infrastructure.

During the development of the Technical Conference, The expert speakers made interesting communications that aroused the interest of the attendees to them.. Opened the same D. Jose Miguel Solis, In a clear exposition of why wood should be the material used for these applications and others in general, based on its exceptional behavior. Continued D. Florencio Rodriguez, General Secretary. by ASAJA, commenting on the most important aspects of agri-environmental policies applicable in the area. After a well-deserved rest, attendees were able to enjoy the communication made by D. Luis Fernando Villanueva, President of APROCA, which dealt with good hunting management, under clear sustainability criteria. To close the technical communications cycle, D. Claro Gª Minguillán, Manager of the Rural Development Centre, made a public exhibition of the mechanisms of innovation in territorial management and planning of the same, with clear application to the specific case of Sierra Madrona, of which Fuencaliente is head and engine of development. During the subsequent round table, were given, nevertheless, Solution to those questions that the addressees had developed as a result of the information received.

For more information, on the project and the actions that are being carried out contact the secretariat of ANEPROMA on the phone 626 348 163 or through the project's website


Free actions co-financed by ESF