ANEPROMA, during the execution of the project"Enabling agricultural infrastructures Ministry practice and the prevention of forest fires in the region of Valle de Alcudia and Sierra Madrona (Ciudad Real)"developed within the" PROGRAM EMPLEAVERDE (2007-2013) of the BIODIVERSITY FOUNDATION attached to the MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND ENVIRONMENT, and co-financed by the EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND, performs the call for a public tender for the presentation of projects of rehabilitation and construction of new developments of infrastructures related to the agricultural world, mainly focused on workers carrying out their profession in the region of the Valley of Alcudia and Sierra Madrona, within the industrial timber and agricultural sector.
Both bases of the call and the awards that it opts can be consulted on the website of the project
Briefly and schematic, the possibilities of action are as follows:
Ideas / construction of new construction projects
Ideas / rehabilitation of existing infrastructure projects
Within each line or award category, initiatives aimed at the following subjects may be:
Support infrastructures to the Shepherd - cattle: chozos, shelters, etc. In short, any type of construction that allows the realization in conditions of grazing activity, in what professional is located in the monte, so fulfilling minimum criteria of comfort, Security, sustainability, functionality and environmental and landscape integration.
Livestock support infrastructures: drinking fountains, feeders, Steering sleeves, sheepfold, etc. In short, any infrastructure enabling a homogeneous distribution of the stocking by grassland surfaces, fulfilling already enunciated criteria of landscape integration, sustainability and functionality.
Fences and enclosures: for the physical separation of the farms or grazing plots, both mobile type (manageability must prevail) as fixed (robustness should prevail); to allow the shoulder to grazing areas to regenerate on rangelands, etc.
It is announced, The same, within each main category there will be an absolute winner, which must compete with projects presented in this way (new construction // rehabilitation), whatever the theme.
To reward the work of papers, It will also award the projects that may be more appropriate, within each theme, regardless of your final qualification as winners of the major categories.
Among the objectives of this action are the fulfillment of new trends which guarantee sustainable development, in the economic, social and environmental, by defining the following criteria:
The length of the period for submission of proposals, as well as specific details of composition of jury and technical requirements for participation in this action may be consulted in the relevant section on the website of the project
The target public of this action are the SMEs and self-employed workers, with the knowledge and skills necessary, as well as with the capacity of entrepreneurship sufficient for the presentation of a novel idea.
Says Benoit Jobbe-Duval, President of ANEPROMA: ""It's a unique opportunity for a large group of professionals of the sectors of wood and agricultural in order to value their knowledge, ideas and other skills, in regards to the public presentation of ideas / projects that you can re-dinamizar the pastoral activity. In addition, We firmly believe that the material wood is suitable to carry out this practice, by its clear competitive advantage in terms of ecological sustainability, Economic and social. First of all, because it is the only building material with a distinctly renewable, recyclable & reusable. And secondly, because during the process of exploitation, manufacturing and made available to the final consumer, does facilitate economic activity and maintain an adequate level of employment in rural areas dependent on the use of wood for various uses, that otherwise you would hardly find a cost-effective dedication with which support is. And all sustainable development must meet these three requirements: environmental, Economic and social"".
Completely free actions part-financed by the ESF