AITIM develops extensive work within the framework of its activities in the field of research, Technology, Quality control, Standardization, Certification, Publications, Training and promotion of forestry products and in particular wood.
The specific objectives of this collaboration are the following:
- Collaboration in promotion activities for the protection of the wood and more and better use of treated wood products: dissemination of news, articles, documents, applications, etc., that interest in to prescribers through media containing AITIM.
- Collaboration in the preparation, follow-up and translation of standards in the field of the protection of the wood, both national committees and the international.
- Participation in joint projects, both nationally and internationally, related to the protection of the wood and the use of treated wood products.
- Mutual advice in matters relating to the activities of both entities.
The President of ANEPROMA, Sr. Serra, says"that this union with AITIM is strategic because for years it has been the Association linked to the research and development of the rules which currently is implanted in our production systems and allows us to compete with other materials. Take advantage of to thank this collaboration the new President of AITIM D. Antonio Jobbe-Duval, which, in turn, is Vice President of ANEPROMA, who has been actively involved in promoting this agreement together with the direction of AITIM""